The changes and challenges of the new change of NR 12 will be in evidence at the workshop that ABIMAQ – Brazilian Machinery Builders Association promotes at Intermach, on September 18th, from 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, in Joinville. The specialist Sidney Esteves Peinado, will present the theme “The new NR 12 – reading and interpretation”, pointing out the modified items and the challenges for the industries. “We are going to show the impacts of changes to manufacturers and users of machines and equipment, by highlighting the reading and interpretation of the regulation. We will show the point of view of control and inspection, not of the manufacturer and user,” he adds.
According to the consultant many industries have doubts since the publication of Ordinance 197 dated 12/24/2010, major review since ordinance 3214 dated 1978, and how to apply it in their processes. “The regulations and laws are not always easy to understand and it is natural for doubts to always exist, considering even, the need of following the hierarchy of laws of the Federal Constitution, CLT (Consolidated Labor Laws), Ordinances, Regulatory Standards, Technical notes and Normative Instructions,” he explains.
The program will cover the concepts and principles of NR 12 showing in evidence the recent changes, and practical issues related to the safety devices and elaboration of designs, with highlight to Risk Assessment. “Everything is a question of interpretation and we want to help manufacturers of machines and equipment in this item so that they may be assertive in the application of the standard in your industrial units,” Peinado affirms.
Workshop program
- Reading and interpretation of NR 12 (version dated June 2019).
- General Principles NR-12
- Technical status x failsafe concept.
- NR-12 – Exclusions.
- Hierarchy of Federal Constitution laws, CLT (Labor Law), Ordinances, Regulatory Standards, Technical notes, Normative instructions.
- Hierarchy of technical standards, Standardization Levels, Elaboration of Technical standards.
- Importance of Risk Appraisal in safety designs;
- Idealization of safety
- NBR ISO 13849 X NBR 14153.
- Emergency stop devices, categorization;
- Safety designs (highlight for ISO TR 24119);
- Diversity, redundancy, self-testing and monitoring.
- Annexes: Quiz and Debates.
Workshop: “The new NR 12 – reading and interpretation”
Lecturer: Sidney Esteves Peinado
Venue: Pavilion Expoville – Room Bromélia N.4
Date: September 18, 2019
Time: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Production: ABIMAQ
Support: Messe Brasil
About Sidney Esteves Peinado
Undergraduate in Electrical Engineering and Automation, with 40 years of market experience. Graduate study in OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) at the ILO – International Labor Organization (Turin 2012), Graduate study in Business Management (ESPM, 1993), Auditor trained by EXIDA (USA, 1994), Technical Director of Fast Solution Automação e Segurança Ltda – Integrated Solutions, Professor of the training course on LFA – Labor Fiscal Auditors, Brazil level (2011, 2012), Professor of Expert Training Course of the PML – Public Ministry of Labor – at ESMPU – Escola Superior do Ministerio Público da União, Brasilia (2017), Professor of SENAI schools for the theme NR 12 (training of Multipliers), in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia (2014, 2015, 2016), Co-author of NR 12 Manual of Mechanical Risks and Author of Manual of Electrical Risks – FIRJAN – Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Active Member of the Technical Group of Presses and Alike, and Plastic Injectors of FIESP (2000 and 2006), Member of TSG – Technical Study Group for review of NR-12, Member of TWG – Tripartite Work Group for review of NR-12, Technical Consultant of CNI – National Industry Confederation in CNTT NR-12 – National Thematic Tripartite Commission ofNR-12, Active Member in CPN IM of PPRPS (Risk Prevention Program in Presses and Alike of the State of São Paulo – 1998-2006).
Press Office – Messe Brazil
Simone Hülse Feuser – simone@hfcom.net.br – 47 99911-5501