Brazilian Technical Standard Association (ABNT) confirmed support to Intermach in 2019, in compliance with its policy to foster initiatives that aim at disseminating technological knowledge. Different entity committees, including the ones linked to tools, plastic, machines and equipment, are related to the event audience, what expands the support relevance.
For Pedro Buzatto Costa, ABNT Decision-Making Council Chairman, Intermach is one of the main metal-mechanic market events and its performance is extremely relevant to add quality and competitiveness to the field. ‘The event meets ABNT goals to foster, by means of technical standards, people safety, consumer support and business relation development’, he adds.
About ABNT
ABNT is the National Standardization Venue as acknowledged by the Brazilian society since its establishment, on September 28th, 1940, and confirmed by the federal government by means of several legal instruments. A nonprofit private entity, ABNT is a founding member of International Organization for Standardization, Comisión Panamericana de Normas Técnicas (Pan-American Technical Standard Commission – Copant) and Asociación Mercosur de Normalización (Mercosur Standardization Association – AMN). Since its establishment, it is also member of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). ABNT is responsible for developing Brazilian Standards (ABNT NBR), developed by its Brazilian Committees (ABNT/CB), Sector Standardization Bodies (ABNT/ONS) and Special Study Commissions (ABNT/CEE).
Since 1950, ABNT has also worked in compliance assessment and has product certification, system and environmental labeling programs. This activity is based on internationally accepted guides and technical principles and grounded on a technical structure and multidisciplinary auditors, providing credibility, ethics and acknowledgement of the services provided. Working along with governments and society, ABNT enables implementing public policies, fosters market development, consumer support and every citizen safety.
On Intermach
Intermach – International Metalmechanic Industry Technology, Machine, Equipment, Automation and Service Trade Show and Congress – is a reference in industrial manufacturing technology, fostering the industrial market. It presents technologies, innovations, trends, develops business and relationships, and fosters knowledge. The event gathers industrial market supplying companies to industrial market and hosts national and international visitors that are searching to innovative technologies and solutions.
Intermach 2018 – International Metalmechanic Industry Technology, Machine, Equipment, Automation and Service Trade Show and Congress – intermach.com.br
Date: From September 17th to 20th, 2019
Time: 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Place: EXPOVILLE Convention and Exhibition Center – R. XV de Novembro, 4315 – Glória, Joinville – SC
Organization: Messe Brazil
Support: Abimaq – ABIMEI – ABII – ABNT – FIESC – Sicredi – Abendi – ABS – Bolsa de Negócios
Learn more: intermach.com.br
Communication Agency – Messe BrazilSimone Hülse Feuser – simone@hfcom.net.br – 47 99911-5501