G4 Microfusão will announce microfusion complex part development to several fields in Intermach
Specialized in microfusion process steel complex part manufacturing, G4 Microfusão will exhibit its unique technology in Intermach 2019. The solutions, developed on demand, are customized to the customer requirements and service the most varied fields, including metalmechanic, hydraulic, pneumatic, cars, agricultural, paper and pulp, textile, food, petrochemical, transport and civil construction. The microfusion process, know as investing casting, enables manufacturing components with precision and outstanding superficial finishing to almost every alloy type.

G4 microfusion process enables developing extremely intricate and complex forms and end size manufacturing, with little or no need to machining. Jaques Bortoli, G4 Microfusão´s administrative manager, explains that the process also has the advantage of producing parts with good density, uniformities, high resistance and with no need to exit angles. ‘The outcome is a fine superficial finishing, essential to a series of applications, and eliminating high added value material losses, common in machining operations’, he emphasizes.
All microcast part manufacturing process is supported by the Quality Control System and by the laboratory team, responsible for testing and analyses, that certify the manufactured product quality according to the customer traceability requirements and within international quality standard patters. The analyses include certificate thorough assessment of raw material suppliers and product reliability testing, including density, bath gelification, pH, drop point, colloidal silica content and humidity content. For the end product, it performs a prototype sampling dimensional assessment before concluding the part series casting, chemical to every alloy determination and visual to detect potential defects originated from the manufacturing process.
About G4 Microfusão
Located in Veranópolis (RS), G4 Microfusão has 100% national capital and it meets the national and international market requirements, relies on the quality management system, according to ABNT NBR ISO 9001 requirements. It has the microfusion process technology within international quality levels, with strict dimensional tolerance and outstanding superficial finishing. The solution range includes several ball valve models and microcast parts.