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Especializada em desenvolvimento e implementação de soluções “turn-key” para automação e melhorias de processos de manufatura industrial, a GME vai apresentar na Intermach a aplicação da […]
Specialized in the development and implementation of turn-key solutions for automation and improvement of industrial manufacturing processes, GME will present at Intermach the application of virtual […]
Renomada fornecedora de impressoras 3D, insumos e componentes para impressão 3D no Brasil, a Slim 3D leva para a Intermach as melhores soluções de manufatura aditiva […]
Renowned supplier of 3D printers, supplies and components for 3D printing in Brazil, Slim 3D brings to Intermach the best additive manufacturing solutions specifically aimed at […]
The Monoviga Rolling Bridge that Brevil exhibits at Intermach is manufactured with cutting-edge technology and the projects have the characteristic of meeting the needs of each […]
Specialized in the commercialization of electric energy and operation management in the Free Energy Market, RBE discloses solutions at Intermach to reduce costs with electric energy, […]
A global leader in digital reality solutions, Hexagon highlights at Intermach intelligent manufacturing solutions that combine sensor, software and autonomous technologies. The dynamic is to put […]
Navvi manufactures mechanical seals of different arrangements and construction types with ideal materials for each application. In recovery modality, the advantage of reducing maintenance costs is […]
Manufacturer and distributor of renowned brands in the market, Sulmax exhibits at Intermach its complete line of components for injection molds for plastic, aluminum and zamac. […]
Specialized in the development of management software, Movtech exhibits solutions for data analysis and budgeting system at Intermach. Movtech Stats is a Business Intelligence that makes […]
ONMAQ’s machining centers, KRAFT Sky Master brand, which will be at the company’s stand at Intermach, are equipped with every package for Industry 4.0. They operate […]
The participation of CND Revestimentos at Intermach 2022 is mainly focused on promoting non-stick coatings, with the ability to reduce or eliminate the use of release […]