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The 13th Intermach – International Fair and Congress of Technology, Machinery, Equipment, Automation and Services for the Metalworking Industry, will be held from September 13 to […]
A distribuidora de cabos de aço Delu Cabos de Aço levará para o estande da Intermach a especialidade no fornecimento de produtos com bitolas de 1/8 a […]
The 13th edition of the metal-mechanical fair will have tradeshow, congress, seminars, workshops, and business rounds, and will be conducted on September 14-17, in Joinville, SC. […]
The largest national manufacturer of pneumatic equipment, specialized in solutions for industrial automation, Werk-Schott counts on products with differentiated injection, modern design and enhancements to production […]
Specialize in the development of industrial filtration means, Ratts takes to Intermach differentiated technology that extends product life cycle. The idea is reducing the maintenance stop […]
MegaSul has a 300 m² structure equipped with a acclimatized compressor workshop, free of particles and abrasive impurities. The company has original parts with warranty and […]
Expertise in hydraulic systems for the industry, developing customized projects and solutions are the differentiators Hidraultec takes to the stand in Intermach. The projects and solutions […]